Sabrina D.'s profile

Week 2, The passing of time, #oneperday19

DocumenTing timE
DVB102 | Week 2 | #oneperday19 | Images 1 - 5
Images 1 - 5 
This week we focused on documenting time with our images!
Under the topic „the passing of time“ we had to do realistic pencil drawings.
Because I am very interested into nature, I choose the process of a tiny melon seed that is sprouting.
I sketched it by the real passing of time and I watched it growing every day and captured the process of it.
I ended up with 6 pencil drawings instead of 5 to see a better progress and i am happy how it turned out.
• HB Pencil 
• Sketchbook
Additional images
Because I had fun with my first drawings I decided to do another series but not with a object in front of me.
I decided to capture the process of an developing butterfly in a more abstract way and I like how it turned out.
It was difficult to imagine this process with no reference pictures but I used it a a challenge for myself.
• HB Pencil 
• Sketchbook
Week 2, The passing of time, #oneperday19

Week 2, The passing of time, #oneperday19

Growing Melon Sprout. Images 1-5(„6“)
